Cucumber Day Celebration in Suzdal, Russia

In Suzdal, Cucumber Day is celebrated every year in the middle of July.

You’ll be able to see many cucumber hors d’oeuvres, people, alcohol, culinary master classes, and a sky shot of a cucumber.


The number of participants in this occasion increases every year. All day long, streets that are normally quiet become lively.

You can wear a cucumber costume.

 There are many dishes other than cucumbers.

You can eat roasted cucumbers in sour cream sauce, confiture of cucumbers, mildly cured cukes in beery pickle, and piroshki of cukes.

No one celebrates without alcohol. There are different kinds of alcohol such as cedar cone alcohol and birch bark alcohol.

Russian folk enjoy celebrating by walking on stilts.

You can buy souvenirs.


A sky shot of a cucumber at the end of the celebration.

Goodbye for now!

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